Corrective jaw surgery

Corrective jaw, or orthognathic surgery is performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS) to correct a wide range of minor and major skeletal and dental irregularities, including the misalignment of jaws and teeth. Surgery can improve esthetics, chewing, speaking and breathing. In common terms orthognathic surgeries are performed for esthetics or functional improvements. In these surgeries we can move the bones in 3d spaces that is in all the directions whichever is needed. A similar female patient jagatha 29 years old reported to Richardson dental cleft and craniofacial hospital. Her chief complaint was of gummy smile and forwardly placed upper jaw.

The clinical and radiographic assessment of the patient was done by the team of doctors headed by Dr Sunil Richardson ,assisted by Surgical fellows Dr.Shreya Krishna and Dr.Avi Bansal. Impressions were taken for the patient and dental casts were made. It was then articulated in the manner in which the upper and lower jaws are related in the patient's mouth. The measurements and analysis was also done on the patient's photograph and on the Cone Beam CT scan done for the patient.It revealed that the patient is having skeletal deformity of upper jaw. She was having protruded and inferiorly placed upper jaw. A mock surgery was performed on the articulated casts. The treatment plan was explained to the patient and surgery was planned after routine blood investigations.

The operation was done in which osteotomies/cut in the bone are made to position the upper jaw superiorly and backwards. The jaw was in its correct position fixed with bone plates. All the surgical procedure was done intra orally and no scar is present on face.
The patient is in long term follow up of 1 year and is very satisfied with the result of the surgery.

So these orthognathic surgeries require a précised analysis so that exact corrections can be made , but if done precisely with planning, the results for the patient and surgeon are par excellent.

Frequently asked questions –

  • Question: What all things can be corrected by these surgeries?
  • Answer:  All the jaw problems of bone can be corrected for eg protruded upper jaw, retruded upper jaw, protruded lower jaw, retruded lower jaw.
  • Question: How long is the stay in hospital ?
  • Anywhere between 1 and 4 days. 
  • Question: Are the results permanent ?
  • Yes the results are permanent
  • Question: Are any risks involved?
  • No risks as it a properly planned surgery
  • Question: Will there be any scars?
  • No 
  • Question: What are the benefits?
  • Chewing efficiency is improved. Patients with jaw problems can also benefit from these kind of surgeries. 


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